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Climate Action Now (CAN) (2022) £100


Repair Cafe Maidenhead (2022) £115

A donation was made for the Assemblage project the volunteers led for our teen art class.


SEWA  UK- India Covid Relief (2021) £293

50% of our term fee of our first Small group class in Maidenhead was donated.


Chitrapatang Shaikshanik Kala Sanstha  (2019-2020): £0 (unfortunately before any profits could be made, Covid hit the classes, we would love to restart these sessions)

All profits from our Maidenhead Adult Term time classes are sent to this charity who run art workshops for the economically challenged children in India. 


Launchpad: (Year 2018- 2020) : £100

All profits from our Reading Adult Term time classes are sent to help Launchpad who help the homeless in Reading. (unfortunately before any profits could be made, Covid hit the classes, we would love to restart these sessions)


Book Aid: (Year 2019- current):

These funds will be raised via Artspiration Birthday parties , Book one now and help us make a difference!


One World- OUR Home: (2019): Children from Artspiration authored and illustrated books to raise awareness on Loss of habitat for our wildlife. We collectively raised £745.99  for DSWF and several Artspires adopted an animal from David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation. 


Water Aid: (Year 2016-2019) Above £500

These funds were raised by Artspiration Birthday parties. 


Flood Relief fund, India: (Year 2015- 16) : £360

Funds were sent to help the flood stricken areas in North India.


Brett Foundation, Maidenhead, UK:  (Year 2015- 16) :£900

All funds were donated to Brett Foundation to help the' back to school' for children in need locally. These funds were raised with Cartoonist John Byrne who donated his valuable time and lead some fun cartoon workshops to Maidenhead family.


Art Room Dharavi, Mumbai, India: (Year 2014-2015)  :£1000

This was a project to bring  more art and colour in the lives of hundreds of underpriviliged children in another part of the world! They created some lovely murals in their neighbouhood.


Nele, Bangalore, India: (Year 2013-14) : £1000

These funds were donated to Nele to be  used towards the education of street children in Bangalore, India.


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​© 2018 Artpsiration

 All Rights Reserved


Union House
111 New Union Street
CV1 2NT 

Company Reg Number : 09040231

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