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Covid 19 Procedures

Artspiration Covid 19 Protection Policies and Procedures in External Venues. 

Artspiration Covid 19 Protection Policies and Procedures in External Venues. 

Artspiration will also take into account the individual procedures of each external venue hired. All parents will be sent a policy specific for each branch. 


Important note: These procedures will be regularly reviewed upon any Government advice.  

These guidelines will be reviewed on an ongoing basis. 


Register: Each parent must fill in a Health Self Declaration form and agree to co-operate to keep our classes Covid Secure. There will be a daily attendance registration required for each session which will be preserved for a month after the term ends. These registers can be shared with the venue administrator on request. 


Pick up Drop off: Drop off and Pick up may happen in a staggered way and we will follow a one-way system where possible. Details will be emailed to parents based on the branch attending. If you have a younger child who may not be comfortable with this drop off procedure, please contact us directly to discuss prior to the class. 

We encourage only one parent to accompany the child. If you have a younger child who may not be comfortable with this drop off procedure, please contact us directly to discuss prior to the class. 

Everyone who is and above age 11 should wear a mask at all times. Children who are 8yrs+ should carry a mask with them for times when the teacher has to demonstrate and when children will need to be more closer than 2m. 8- 10 year olds will not need to wear a mask otherwise. If for any reason you are exempt from mask wearing, please contact us in advance of the class to advise.


Seating: All children will have a designated space to sit each week. If your child has a friend enrolled in the same class and you wish them to sit near to each other please advise in advance of the class, we cannot make adjustments after the start of term 


Materials: Children should buy their own basic materials, to avoid sharing at our term time classes.  A list will be emailed upon registration. This will be a basic list as most materials like paints etc that don’t need sharing will be provided by us.  Bringing their own materials is also advised for any Holiday workshops , however if attending for the first time and the child does not have their own materials, teachers will always have enough materials to hand. All materials thus used will be cleaned by the staff upon return.

Children should not bring anything that they will not need for the class. If they don't need the hat, scarf, gloves etc at the class, parents can keep them with them and bring them again at collection time. Children may need their coats as classes will be ventilated in between sessions.  Any personal item they bring should fit in their Art Kit bag. 

Staff:  Our teachers and Assistants will be maintaining a safe distance of 2m from the children during the lesson and definitely 1 m when they have to help individually.  For the younger groups we will have a consistent staff bubble. For the 12+ advance group, we will have guest artists due to the nature of the class, but we will have a consistent assistant. 

PPE for teachers in case a child develops symptoms and social distancing not possible. General PPE will include gloves, cleaning supplies and a face shield. 


Health and Safety:  

 -Hand sanitisers will be provided at the cleaning station. Children should use them at entry and exit. 

-Tables and Chairs will be cleaned in between sessions. 

-Children will be encouraged to wear a mask if possible and all children who are 11 yrs old or more should be wearing a mask. 

-General rule of above 1 m Social distancing to be maintained. 

-Tissues will be provided for catch it- bin it. Teachers will remind children frequently. 

-No drinks or snacks other than water will be allowed at term time classes. Children to keep a named water bottle with them on the table. Food and drinks will be allowed ( to be eaten in their own places) only during day long workshops.

-Teacher will not be saving any water bottles, scarfs etc, so please make sure all personal belongings are collected. 

All parents will be made known that no child with symptoms should be attending, if a case develops in family or bubble, they should let us know immediately. 

-If a member of the teaching teams suspects a child is not well, they shall be isolated, and parents called to collect immediately. 



 Covid positive cases and Exposure: 

- If/When we are informed of any of our students or any one from their bubble being infected, we will advise them to look up -  and  and take actions accordingly. 

 All parents of students who attended the session with the particular child and the venue administrator will be informed immediately. We will also share contacts of all children in the class and the Venue administrator if contacted by the Test and Trace team. If a pupil or staff member has been in close contact with a person who has Covid-19, they'll need to self-isolate for 14 days to help prevent the virus spreading further if the Test and Trace advises so. In the first place we will be striving for children to not have close contact and maintain social distance throughout. 

- If there is a positive case of Covid 19 detected in our classes, and self-isolation to everyone or the close contacts in the class is advised by the NHS Test and Trace, the protocol to be followed will be as following for that class.   If we are informed say, week 3 in our classes, we will be either postponing the week 4's class to the holidays or offer that particular week's class online. Classes will resume as usual week 5 or 6 onwards. We will try our best to keep to the same day and time where possible for the online classes. This will provide for the 2-week isolation.  


-Considering the materials and the hands on nature of the class, in the past we have decided to offer a mix of online and face to face classes at a future date. However, in case of an outbreak and if there is a local lockdown advised, a credit to all students will be offered. Students can also attend our online classes if there are spaces. 


- If any member of your family is advised to self-isolate by the NHS test and trace team, they will inform Artspiration immediately. We will strive to offer your child to continue by attending our ongoing online class.  
Facilities: Artspiration will not make use of fridge/kitchen facilities 

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Union House
111 New Union Street
CV1 2NT 

Company Reg Number : 09040231

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